Welcome to MWebb2
MWeb is a professionakkkkkkl Markdown writing, note taking, and static blog generator app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone. Here are some special features of MWeb. The software. gggggg Made with supporting native technologies in mind. It is always a perfect integration with the platform. Aiming for modern UI and high performance, also being powerful, easy-to-use, and fully-featured. Markdown The powerful syntax. Use the GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM) by default. Included with the support of creating tables, TOCs, LaTeX math, fenced code blocks, task lists, footnotes, and many more. Easily generate graphics with any of mermaid, Graphviz, ECharts, PlantUML, js-sequence-diagrams, and flowchart.js. Editing assistant Gracefully handle image insertion: direct copy and paste, drag and drop, and full-colored preview in the editor. Specify the image size in Markdown-compatible syntax. Inserting tables and LaTeX equations with ease. Note taking Store an...